Special COVID-19 considerations
Available for all participants currently
The NDIA has recently announced that Support Coordination can now be accessed through an NDIS participants core supports.
This means that if you have not had previous funding for Support Coordination or need an increase in this area you can now access this service through your core funding.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 there will be an increase need for Support Coordination, and this will assist in making sure you have the support you need at this time.
We are here for the people
What makes us different:
iKare step outside the box, to listen to your needs.
We go above and beyond to provide support and build rapport with people to.
Connect with allied health professionals and local organisations to provide the services to benefit you most, which also have the same integrity and follow our motto, “We are here for the people”
Our participants have choice and control what supports they utilise, to empower themselves with a voice that is heard
Receive assistance with solutions for nursing care,
Supported Independent
Offering support through a crisis and
any sudden changes of circumstances
To source equipment to improve your daily living, with devices, wheelchairs,
scooters, beds, home modifications.
To impact your daily life with more ease
If you're ready yo join ikare Support Coordination
Let's get started
This is how we go about it
You will need